Mindful Entrepreneur

Ep13-Benefits To Networking For The Long Run With Tati & Gerry



Have you ever gone to a Networking event and felt like you wasted your time because you didn’t get that new client? Or because the contact who was going to supposedly make a significant difference in your business never showed up?  If you’re anything like us, you probably dread going to these events and feel weird about the pressure of GETTING something out of them rather than going to make authentic connections and building long-term relationships. Not only that, you might be feeling like Maria: overwhelmed and like she’s taking time away from her family or other personal activities.  Quite possibly, you might feel like networking might be just a waste of time! If so, you must listen to this episode where we share with Maria why by focusing on Networking for the long run she can enjoy both PERSONAL and BUSINESS benefits to consciously building solid networks! On our new segment called “Mindful Mondays”, we’ll share with you practical tips, tools, answer questions or thoughts on topics relevant to YOU!  You n