Mindful Entrepreneur

Ep.2-Overcoming All Odds with Dr. Leon Vieira



Have you ever felt so discouraged you don’t seem to see a way out? Have you had times when you feel like life’s dealt you a really tough hand and can’t seem to move forward?   If you at any time you’ve felt this way, (as probably most of us have at one point or another) this is an episode you don’t want to miss! From being in a wheelchair with no money and depending on others to feed him, to running a thriving business and walking one step at a time, Dr. Vieira has proven the power of mindset far outweighs any limitation! Be inspired and moved by his life journey as we learn the challenges involved in defying all the odds and coping with Multiple Sclerosis, a debilitating and degenerative condition which attacks the brain and nervous system. You need to listen to this episode if: You’re doubting yourself and need some serious inspiration to focus, commit and excel. You thought NLP (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming) or Alternative Medicine were useless hocus pocus and are willing to see what they can do for you.