Every Body | Reclaiming Body Talk

Ep. 29: Navigating Chronic Illness - Martha Grover



Body and Chronic Illness Martha Grover is an author, poet, artist and writing coach living in Portland, Oregon. She is the author of One More for the People (Perfect Day Publishing) and The End of My Career (Perfect Day Publishing). The End of My Career was a finalist for the Oregon Book Awards in creative nonfiction in 2017. Martha is currently at work on a book of prose poems and essays about Catastrophe, Myth, and being a sick person in the 21st century.  When she is not writing, Martha is making zines, coaching her writing clients, making art, and selling Real Estate. Today we talk about her experience with Cushing’s syndrome and Addison’s disease and what it’s like to live in a body that is chronically ill.  “Some people with disabilities use a spoon to hide, to pass as able-bodied,  that requires energy,  to hide your disability when you aren’t in a safe space. “ - Martha Grover   This Week on the Every Body Podcast: How Martha discovered her acute illness  The social and personal stories and pressures