Every Body | Reclaiming Body Talk

Ep. 14: Radical Dietician - Lucy Aphramor



EB014  The Radical Dietician - Lucy Aphramor  Lucy Aphramor is the Radical Dietician and the Naked Dietician. She believes we must fundamentally change the way we talk about health. In her Well Now approach, social justice and equality become the center and beginning of every conversation about health. For example, how can we talk about food and exercise without talking about access? Her approach integrates social factors, pays attention to trauma, and supports people to improve their overall wellbeing. The Well Now approach has effectively helped people of all shapes and sizes manage health conditions such as heart disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), high blood pressure and so much more. Additionally, she has effectively helped hundreds of people overcome body shame, eating disorders, and depression by staying committed  to promoting respect, dignity, and equality for all.  Lucy was the figurehead at the Health at Every Size movement and is co-author of the book Body Respect with Linda Bacon.  She joi