Every Body | Reclaiming Body Talk

Ep. 12: Fat and Health - DeAun Nelson



EB012 Fat and Health with DeAun Nelson  DeAun Nelson a Naturopathic Doctor who practices at Watershed Wellness in Portland, Oregon.  She specializes in taking a weight neutral approach to health. Even at a young age, DeAun intuitively knew that health and weight were two distinct things and she has carried these convictions to her medical practice. She understands that one can be healthy and fat and wants to share her scientific knowledge and Health At Every Size approach with others.  We discuss the mental stigmas associated with fat stigma,  from the size of airplane seats to how some medical professionals discriminate against people who are heavier. Dr. Nelson is an advocate for the Health at Every Size movement (HAES), and how it has a profound effect on the physical and mental health of many patients.   “Over the years, I have gotten better at acknowledging that I can take up as much space as I need.” – DeAun Nelson    This Week on the Every Body Podcast:  The shift of wanting to diet to acceptance, and