

This subject came to me today because of many conversations over the past couple days.  And today the speaker at our Women's luncheon asked how do you deal with 'those' people at work? So it got me to thinking how some people in our lives love to 'nudge' us with sarcasm, criticism, and often just plain meanness!  How do we deal with them??? Crazy, behavior that drives us crazy, right?  I guess I agree that the best way is to have an open conversation before it builds out of proportion.  I used to literally chew on things for months and they would grow and get nastier in my mind, over time. Once I learned that was most destructive on my part and adversely affected those in my life, I grew up and grew out of that behavior.  Now, don't get me wrong, I am not fond of confrontation, but being able to clarify helps keep that at bay.  At least for me it does. So our luncheon speaker addressed that fellow worker who got miffed and started a bit of a rumor over something.  How to stop this, she suggested, is to find o