

Here's this definition, which is the one I've always thought it was...   What is a collaboration? definition and meaning - BusinessDictionary ... General: Cooperative arrangement in which two or more parties (which may or may not have any previous relationship) work jointly towards a common goal. On today's show I elaborate on what we need to be aware of when we enter into a collaboration.  It is really important to understand and define the roles of each party in order for it to be a successful collaboration. Far too often we expect, or shame on us, assume, something is one thing and it turns out it's not that at all!  So listen in as I give you my perspective of what to be on the look out for in making it work for all involved.  I'd love to hear your ideas of what collaboration means to you and would love for you to share this!  I would appreciate that so very much. Have a great summer evening on this, Monday 7-17-17 or any time that you listen to thi