Smartlinx Podcast

Give Your CNAs — and Your Facility — An ‘Edge’



Our guests today are from the National Transitions of Care Coalition, or NTOCC. Dr. James Lett II, President of the coalition board of directors, is currently medical director of Avar Consulting Inc., which has a contract with CMS to oversee some aspects of the National Quality Improvement Organizations that oversee the quality and care of Medicare enrollees. He’s an experienced geriatrician in care provided in hospitals, nursing homes, and other sites of care. He most recently served as medical director and vice president of medical affairs for an extensive senior citizen complex, including an assisted living center and a long-term rehabilitation and nursing center. He has worked on three reports for the Office of the Inspector General to identify and quantitate adverse events in post-acute care. His passion is transitions of care, in which he has been involved with multiple entities, including CMS, OIG, and multiple national medical entities.   Jackie Vance, also coalition director, is senior director of cl