Shut Up, Wesley - A Star Trek: The Next Generation Review Podcast

Episode 139 - SPECIAL EPISODE - USS Callister, Pt. 2 with sexy, sexy Dory Peacock from the Judgment Day Refreshment Committee Podcast



In which Jimmy Mac and sexy, sexy Dory Peacock from the Judgment Day Refreshment Committee podcast want more Worf all over this thing. Check out Dory in the Judgment Day Refreshment Committee Podcast, the greatest YA review podcast in the world. Leave them a review and check them out on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, and any other podcast app. Originally recorded on December 1, 2018. Shut Up, Wesley Presents is a Star Trek review podcast, and this episode is produced by Jimmy Mac, and stars Jimmy Mac and sexy, sexy Dory Peacock.  Theme composed, written and performed by Shawn Zumbrunnen.  Check out his band, Rev Mayhem, on iTunes. Communicate with us via e-mail at, on Twitter @shutupwesleypod, on Facebook at, or visit our website at Please rate and review us on iTunes!