Gatherings Podcast

Pizza Crawl Planning with Sara Cornelius



During Episode 5 we talk with Sara from Cake Over Steak about her favorite cookbooks - as well as how to plan a pizza crawl with your 25 closest friends. We asked her questions about logistics of planning a pizza crawl, who pays - and how they pay, how you keep people moving from location to location, and how to build the schedule for the day. Also, we apologize if you end up filling your Amazon cart full of cookbooks. (Sort of.)   Sara Cornelius is an artist who has combined her creative abilities with her love for home cooking into her illustrated food blog, Cake Over Steak. When she's not at her day job listening to hours of podcasts, she's dreaming up new recipes, testing them in her kitchen, photographing them, illustrating them, and then writing about them on her blog. In the rest of her spare time she enjoys working out (for #balance), reading, planning weird dinner parties and foodie excursions with her friends, and spending time with her husband and their socially awkward dog. Meet Sara Blog: Cake