Morgana Radio For More Money, Love, And Magic

Building Business Community By Design with Sahar Nafal



Sahar Nafal, founder of “The Bright Side of Life” Women’s Community, is a Community Builder Expert and the creator of the Bright Side of Everything 2 day live events. Sahar is a speaker and leader who have devoted her business in assisting women build stronger, deeper, and more passionate communities.Sahar Started the Bright Side of Life Women’s Community with six women in her family room. Eight years later, the Bright Side of Life community has welcomes over 8500 members who attended her monthly gatherings and workshops. As we witness women leaders rising to network to innovate and to belong to the biggest change in the world, Sahar’s vision as a speaker is to inspire women all over the world to come together for a great community and collaboration as she takes the audience on a deeper understanding of the journey of Community Building A Dynamic speaker, Sahar has presented her talk, “ Why the human heart longs to belong” on stages with industry giants such as John Gray, Lisa Nichols, Marian Williamson, Les