Training & Coaching Lifestyle with John Spencer Ellis

Chris Record - Entrepreneur Challanges and Victories



The Entrepreneur Show hosted by John Spencer Ellis Guest: Chris Record (episode #1)     About our featured guest: Chris Record is a leading expert in the ecommerce, social media, online marketing and sales arena. His methods are unconventional and his results are extraordinary.   You won’t find fluff here. We don’t waste your time with a bunch of yammering about things that don’t matter. You won’t sit through endless commercials. Our expert guests share and discuss the topics that matter most to you, you you can improve your business and entrepreneurial lifestyle. We share successes and failures. Nothing is off limits.   You will enjoy topics including: Entrepreneurship, business, marketing, advertising, Facebook marketing, biohacking, brain training, entrepreneurial travel, personal branding, PR, publicity, SEO, social media, investments, lifestyle design and wealth creation.   Learn how to work less, earn more, and have more fun while you help your clients and customers.