Gordon And Mike's Ict Podcast

WPA - Give It A Crack [32:50]



German graduate students Erik Tews and Martin Beck have discovered an exploitable hole in WPA, a popular wireless encryption protocol. This week, Tews will present a paper on the topic at the PacSec conference in Tokyo. In this podcast Mike Qaissaunee and I discuss wireless network security and this newly discovered WPA hole. Here's a list of questions asked during the podcast: Where is the information for this podcast coming from? Why is this important? So, we've now got a security issue with WPA encryption! Before we get to WPA - can you give us a little background on wireless encryption? So, the first attempt was WEP. Most devices still support it - why should we not use it? So, that's not good. What did the IEEE do? What else did the 802.11i group do - what was the second solution? So, let me make sure I understand. Older wireless devices can be updated to support WPA which includes TKIP. Now, I've heard of WPA2 - what is that? So, the new products support both but old