Sean Vs. Wild

EP11 - Ryan Matthews - Quick Runner / Drink On It! Couchcast - Sean Vs Wild Podcast



We're showcasing brand new music and podcasts on this episode of Sean Vs Wild! Join us for a rapid-fire conversation as we sit down with Ryan Matthews aka Bird aka PartyBird aka Birdman Van Damme to discuss his band Quick Runner, the details on their new album being recorded w/ Joe Brock at SuperNatch Studios, playing their first show at Taproom, his podcast ventures with Drink On It! Couchcast, favorite local beers, The Mandela Effect, his love of the paranormal, aliens, the supernatural, mysteries, conspiracies, and how some of the most talented entertainers come from Kentuckiana. All the while enjoying an ice cold beverage at the Smithsonian. Tune in and kick out the new jams on this eleventh episode of Sean Vs Wild! Today's podcast is brought to you by AUDIOPHILE INK. Are you in a band? Do you know someone that is? Do you have a job, group, club, cause, or organization? Do you have a witty phrase that you think would look great on a t-shirt, sweatshirt, hoodie... or maybe on a pair of underpants? Maybe yo