Synergy Autism Podcast

Episode #42: MP - The Importance of Play with Barb O'Neill



In this podcast, Barb O'Neill and I talk about the importance of play for connection in our lives, especially with young children and since this is an autism based podcast, especially young children with autism. I’ve invited Barb O’Neill here for this podcast. She is an expert in play and child development. I appreciate Barb’s approach in early childhood to really step up the play and engagement with children - especially those with challenging behaviors. Barb shared a little bit about her background and how she came to this passion of working with children and teachers. Barb and I talk about how play is possible for all children of all ages and how important play is for true connections with one another and also within ourselves. In the autism world, we often get hung up on skill development and we forget the importance of play. To add to that, people with autism tend to avoid uncertainty which means that they may avoid little kind-of playful moments. We as well meaning professionals and parents then a