Zion's Finest

Zion's Finest: Episode 114 - Meatbags Will Die



There is a Droid deployment card for Scum that is capable of winning tournaments. No, it's not IG. That fellow had his time in the sun but all he's left to do is be a nurse to Baby Yoda and wish that Thrawn and Cats weren't around to ruin his day. No, it's not BT. That fellow ... well, he was never very good (sorry Joey).  Back in the day, oh so many years ago, there was a list that had this unit which was the terror of the meta. The unit could reliably hit a figure from 7-10 spaces away, they could be focused, and they could force white die to reroll dodges. The naysayers among you might say, "Aren't you just describing Weequay Pirates?" Well, no, I'm not, because this unit can't play the best card in the game, which is On the Lam. And yet, he persisted. David from the Michigan Mandalorians took down BRIAN MARKS' Jamal Heroes list TWICE to win a recent regional. I know. I literally could not believe it. But David knows his stuff, so beware the ... oh boy ... HKs. Make sure to pay attention to my review of