Reignite Your Purpose: Inspiration | Empowerment | Education With Life Mastery Coach Sheila Sutherland

Ep107: From Breakdown to Breakthrough with Emily Pereira



Have you ever been stuck in the fear of ‘not enough’. Your career is not enough, you don’t make enough money, you don’t have enough success, your house isn’t big enough, your relationship is not enough……YOU are not enough. Our amazing guest today is here to tell us how you can go from ‘not enough’, to your radiant self where you can magnetize your dream life. Once entrenched in the corporate world, searching for happiness and fulfillment everywhere (except for where it really exists) Emily Pereira had a breakdown that became an astonishing breakthrough after discovering a treasure trove of passion and magic living inside her that she was previously blind to. Now she’s helping other women attract soul affirming love into their lives by showing them how to access their magnetic, radiant selves via one-on-one coaching and transformational Costa Rican retreats. A mompreneur living her dream life in Costa Rica, Emily gives other women a map for how to manifest a life that is in alignment with their heart. www