Beyond The Couch With Dr. Sally Nazari

Managing Anxiety



Overview:  Last week, we looked at what anxiety is and how it shows up in our lives. We also looked at why we may experience it. In this episode, we share some ways of better managing our anxiety both in the short term and in keeping it at bay over the long term. What We’ll Learn:  We uncover some ways to work through anxiety and recover from the effects. In particular, we learn how to navigate our stressors and alter our lifestyle so that we can keep anxiety from overtaking us. Some tools, tips, and practical resources are also shared for keeping us calm in the heat of the moment when anxiety hits. Be sure to access your Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) guide here below so you can relax and recharge your body: I would love to hear what tips you learned and what benefits you noticed! Be sure to share with us in our social media communities listed below so we can celebrate with you! Facebook: Twitter: Resources