Beyond The Couch With Dr. Sally Nazari

What Is Reiki?



Overview: Reiki has come to receive much acclaim and recognition for its effectiveness as a powerful healing instrument. Reiki therapy is a holistic, gentle energy work process that assists in physical, mental and emotional healing. It is a simple, effective and powerful method of natural healing. Sessions provide a relaxing, soothing healing environment that ensures comfort and peace during your healing. This relaxed, peaceful state helps to contribute to our emotional, physical, and mental healing. More recently, researchers have begun to more formally evaluate Reiki’s effectiveness in healing a number of different things. Reiki is now being offered in hospitals and other clinical settings to help cardiac patients following heart attacks, cancer survivors during their recovery, and many other conditions. Reiki has also been valued as a complement to psychotherapy and in alleviating depression, anxiety, effects of trauma, and reducing stress. What We’ll Learn: We take a closer look at what Reiki is along wit