Living Life With Lynda Show

EPISODE 83 - How Balancing Your Chakras Can Help Your Career or Business with Chakrapreneur Nanette Giacoma- Part 2



Part 1: Chakrapreneur, Nanette Giacoma, has an MBA and an MA in Art and Consciousness Studies, is a Usui and Kundalini Reiki Master and a Certified Master Intuitive Coach.  As an author, speaker, coach, business leader, teacher, artist, energy healer, and intuitive, Nanette walks between the worlds of traditional and alternative business practices. Integrating 25 plus years of business experience and 12 years of coaching experience with unconventional methods, Nanette works holistically with her clients to help them achieve the kind of professional and personal success they desire.  In her book, Open for Business, she teaches us how to achieve professional success using the power of chakras.  Nanette joined us on Episode 82 to educate us about chakras and in this 2nd part of the series, she discusses what we can do to balance our chakras to achieve success in both our personal and professional lives.   Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda shares an email she received from Dr. Robert Anthony.  It is about pa