

The absolute worst thing that can happen to an ENFP is getting trapped in routine and repetition. What can ENFPs do to get out of that and kick themselves into taking action on their dreams? In order to reach our full potential, us ENFPs have to be able to face fear first, and take an action that commits us to our chosen path... easier said than done. However, under pressure, with the back against the wall - where some other types break - ENFPs THRIVE and in this episode I discuss how us ENFPs can turn this to our advantage to pursue our dreams and reach our maximum potential. Here are a few links I mentioned: How To Quit Your Job - The Rules - The Free Freelancer - Don’t miss future episodes of this podcast, subscribe here: iTunes | Google Play Music | Stitcher | TuneIn | RSS/XML If you want to follow my travels or catch some shorter videos and updates I share, you can find me on Facebook (DreamsA