Ernest Emerson Podcast

#4 - Larry Yatch - Leaders, Followers, & Managers



Larry Yatch, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and a ten-year veteran of the U.S. Navy SEALs, has been a leader while serving in extreme environments across the globe. Now, as an entrepreneur in the field of leadership development, corporate contingency planning, and personal safety, Mr. Yatch has applied the lessons learned from these experiences to develop thought-provoking speeches, processes for implementation across a workforce or executive team, and workshops designed to align decision-making, reinvigorate cultures, and improve team performance Key takeaways from this podcast include: Leaders are created, not born. Opiod Addiction Defensive Mindset Training Fear and a perceived lack of control Leading by Force OR Leading by empowerment through influence Leadership Development Manager - Leader - Follower Leader is one that creates an environment to influence/enables/empowers followers to make effective choices. Enable/Evoking is the keyword Being Right vs Being Effective Personal Responsibility https: