Nat Chat

23: Timeless Strategies to Achieving Mastery: Mastery by Robert Greene



“It’s never going to be easier to just learn and to make little money, than when you’re young and in the beginning.” In this episode of Nat Chat, I’m joined again by Neil Soni to do another one of our book deep dives, this time on Mastery by Robert Greene. Mastery is the best book that either of us have found at becoming a master of your craft, getting mentors, learning through experience, and reaching the top of your field. If you’re serious about self education and becoming known for your work, there are few better books that you could read to help get you there, and we covered many of the key lessons in this episode. This is also an exciting episode because it’s the launch of mine and Neil’s new podcast: “Made You Think,” which is dedicated to exploring books, articles, topics, and anything that set our minds on fire. The past episode on Antifragile was extremely popular, and this episode was a ton of fun recording, so we decided to run with it. Be sure to check out Made You Think to hear our episode on Le