Nat Chat

9. Replacing Tech Degrees with Hands-On Learning with Darwish Gani



“You gotta pick where you want to go, if you don’t, you’re going to go nowhere.” - Darwish Gani In this episode I’m joined by Darwish Gani. Darwish started down the investment banking path in college, but as he approached graduation, decided he wanted to work on something he was more passionate about. After starting one company and working as a product manager at another startup, he started an alternative education company focused on supplementing college students education with more programming training and experience. That company, Horizons, offers summer programs for students to get an intense hands-on programming bootcamp and apprenticeship over the summer. And their latest experiment, Horizons One, is a two year tuition free program to teach students everything they need to know to work in tech, and then set them up with a co-op program where they can apply those skills hands on. We talked all about how Darwish started this company, what the motivation was, how students learn during it, how students can