Nat Chat

8. Lifelong Learning and Building Self-Discipline with Scott Britton



“There is such value while going through that period of uncertainty with your business to have someone there with you to help you overcome the insecurities and doubts that you have.” - Scott Britton In this episode of Nat Chat  we have Scott Britton. Scott is currently the co-founder and head of growth for Troops, a slackbot that helps sales teams integrate easier with Salesforce, and his path there was all but conventional. When Scott graduated, he went to work for an athlete management company to live out his dreams of being Jerry Maguire, but quit after just a few months. He then helped someone grow their startup, transitioned into starting his own company, and then when that shut down, started teaching professional skills in person, online, and making money through courses. He got looped into a community of other online educators pretty quickly, and ended up moving to Brazil with them for a while to work on his site, Life-Long Learner, as well as his podcast, The Competitive Edge. This episode is perfect