Nat Chat

7. The Marathon of Beer, Books, Philosophy, and More with Neil Soni



“Trust the process, follow your curiosity, and don’t get to wrapped up in what other people are doing.” - Neil Soni In this episode of Nat Chat we have Neil Soni. Neil and I originally connected over Twitter a few years ago as members of a startup incubator alumni network. While Neil was an undergrad, he started a company called “College Zen” to help prospective students get matched up with current students to get a real feel for the school. That startup didn’t work out, but the people he met and the experience he got from it turned into his next few roles, including his most recent work, as an “innovation consultant” for Estee Lauder. I wanted to talk to Neil for a few reasons: He’s had an extremely varied career during and after college, from starting that first company, to leading growth at another, to doing this innovation consulting, and now starting a beer company of all things. He is one of the more well read people I know, and draws deeply from history, philosophy, and science in his discussions. Thes