Nat Chat

5. Self-Taught Coding and Starting Up in College with Max Friedman



“Find the thing that gets you excited, because that’s the thing that’s going to drive you through the hard times and the good times.” - Max Friedman In this episode of Nat Chat we have Max Friedman. Max and I first got in touch three years ago when he was still in college, working on an app for finding local events called “Happening.” The app didn’t work out, but he’s worked on a number of startup related projects since then including his latest, GiveButter, which is a fundraising platform specifically targeted at engaging young people, a demographic normally inclined to donate. I wanted to have Max on for a few reasons: First, he was completely self taught at programming, which allowed him to build that first app as well as his subsequent projects, and we dive into how he taught himself that during the episode. Second, Max was relentless about experimenting and trying new projects as a student, which eventually led to GiveButter which he’s able to work full time on now as a graduate. Third, while many of the