The Couples Expert

186 - Becoming the Diplomat of Authenticity in Attachmentland



Hi and welcome to The Couples Expert with your host Stuart Fensterheim. This is episode 186 of our show. Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa! Stuart wishes everyone very happy holidays. This year Stuart wants you and your partner to have a holiday season filled with love, togetherness and connection. Today is a really special episode, because today Stuart is taking everyone on a magical journey today. A special journey of attachment, and acceptance, one of vulnerability and love. Visit a strange land where you will be meeting people as the most authentic version of yourself. What you’ll learn from today’s podcast: Wearing masks [3:45] Recognizing when you are not being your best [5:00] Acknowledge your partner’s experience [9:00] Open the door to Attachmentland [11:00] Stop thinking you have to live up to an expectation [14:00] Being authentic [16:50] Dig deep and ask yourself questions [17:30] Stop surviving, and start living [20:00] That place where you are never alone [21:0