The Couples Expert




Hi and welcome to The Couples Expert with your host Stuart Fensterheim. This is episode 185 of our show. Today Stuart is talking about boundaries in a relationship. There are many different boundaries that you can set in your life, and your relationship. Today Stuart pulls boundaries apart and helps you to learn how to set healthy boundaries in your relationship. What you’ll learn from today’s podcast: Are boundaries even necessary in a relationship [1:45] Boundaries should be clearly defined [3:17] What do healthy boundaries include? [6:43] Where are our limit? [8:42] Is it ok to have friends of the opposite sex? [9:20] How to set limits with your partner [12:02] Emotional affairs [15:17] Unconditional love [19:10] Honesty [20:30] Self-control [23:10] Looking inwardly [25:25] Learn how to forgive [26:30] Summary of boundaries [28:10] Unless your boundaries are clear, direct, and adhered to, your relationship is going to be a challenge. If you have that, your relationship will be one in which both of your f