The Couples Expert

171-Sex Lies and Marriage Counseling



Hello and welcome to The Couples Expert Podcast with your host Stuart Fensterheim, The Couples Expert. This is episode 171 of our show. Today Stuart is going to be discussing the impact of lies and deceit on your love relationship. There’s nothing more uncertain than questioning whether you can count on what your partner is telling you is the truth. Can you believe what your partner is telling you? Is your partner really there for you? What kind of relationship do you have if your partner is lying? What you’ll learn from today’s podcast: Trust is the foundation of the relationship 2:38 Omission is deception 4:07 Lies mean that you don’t have a true partnership 7:29 You should be sharing everything together 9:28 Fear, shame or guilt is the basis for avoiding certain subjects 11:15 White lies are still lies 15:53 It’s so important that you’re authentic with each other. There should never be a reason that you would deceive your partner in any way. Be yourself, say what’s real and you can be confident that your