The Couples Expert

Episode 152 - Exorcising the Ghosts That Haunt Your Relationships



This is episode 152 of The Couples Expert Podcast with Stuart Fensterheim.  Today, Stuart is speaking today about the ghost of our past relationships that continue to haunt us and how to exorcise them from our lives. We can tend to get into patterns that repeat; we get stuck in these ways of interacting in relationships that are a carryover from the past. Listen as how Stuart shows us how to get rid of those ghosts that haunt us and to live in the moment, in the present with our partners and to break those patterns so they can no longer harm us. What you’ll learn from today’s podcast: Where the triggers come from in the past 2:45 You can understand the pattern and change it 5:20 When you believe the lies of the past they can stay with you 7:23 You deserve to have the loving relationship you desire 10:00 You have to get rid of the ghosts that block your connection 12:12 A guided exorcism by your Jewish, counselor exorcist 17:25 We know in our heads that our partners don’t want to hurt us; it’s those voices in