The Couples Expert

Passion Perfect : Sharing Your Passions with Your Partner



In episode 132 of The Couples Expert podcast Stuart is reflecting on how blessed we are by the people in our lives. We need to tell those people how much they matter to us. The things that we do for others to make their lives easier are another example of showing how they matter to us. Seeing his wife shop and cook for her elderly parents makes Stuart feel how fortunate he is to have Debbie in his life. She’s a very kind and giving person. If Stuart didn’t slow down and notice sometimes, all of these might pass him by. Does any of this sound familiar to you? It’s really all about love.  What you’ll learn in today’s podcast:  Why expressing your passion in life makes you happy 6:57 What passion means in your relationship 8:54 How you keep that passion in your marriage every day 14:04 Why you should plan activities together 16:15 How to get passionate in the bedroom 19:15 Read the complete show notes here