The Couples Expert

Episode 125 - Staying Close and Secure When the Woman is the Primary Breadwinner



Episode 125 of The Couples Expert Podcast is about financial role reversals in relationships; when the woman is the main earner or breadwinner in the relationship. This can be a touchy and sensitive subject. Tune in and here Stuart discuss the challenges that come with this type of arrangement. What you’ll learn from today’s Podcast: The perception of society and why gender roles shouldn’t matter at [4:15] How best we meet the goal matters most at [8:00] Stay at home Dads and stereotypes at [9:32] Women don’t need a man to support them and why you shouldn’t need permission to spend money at [10:41] The value of stay at home parenting and financial independence at [14:05] Teamwork is the key at [15:49] Men struggle with role reversal and the double standard at [17:22] The value of both roles in the family’s success at [20:15] Read the complete show notes here