The Couples Expert

How To Build A Life Long Monogamous Relationship



Today's Three Minutes with Stuart is all about building a lifelong monogamous relationship with your spouse. When it comes to Monogamy a lot of people have begun to question whether or not having a monogamous relationship, where both you and your partner forsake having relationships outside your marriage, is realistic. Some couples that I have counseled have what's known as an "open" relationship. This is where the partners agree that it's okay for the two of them to see other people, but they remain committed to their marriage as their main relationship. In my many years of working with all types of couples, I fully believe that it's possible to have a long lasting monogamous relationship. In fact, I believe that monogamy affords you the best opportunity to build a truly genuine and authentic love with your partner. After all, if there is no connection, you have no real relationship. Today I talk about the expectations you should have and some of the things that may happen during the life of your relatio