The Couples Expert

Understanding What The Anger in Your Marriage is Really About



In Episode 118 of The Couples Expert podcast Stuart discusses anger and the impact it has on relationships and marriage. Anger is something we all deal with at one time or another, and it’s a sure bet that one or both of you will get angry from time to time. It’s what happens when you’re angry that impacts the relationship with your partner. How you handle your anger and how you manage these strong emotions are what really matters.  Listen as Stuart discusses this week’s topic of the impact of anger in your marriage.  Quote: “It is impossible for you to be angry and laugh at the same time” Wayne Dyer Anger and laughter are mutually exclusive and you have the ability to choose. I hope you choose laughter.    What you’ll learn on today’s Podcast:  The impact of anger on children at 4:34 Anger breeds resentment and kills respect at 7:20 Anger is normal but destruction is not at 10:50 Communicate by listening at 13:28 What does anger mean to you at 15:34 Vulnerability vs. Emotional detachment at 20:15 Being on t