The Couples Expert

Why A Relationship Checkup Is Good For Couples



In this episode of Three Minutes with Stuart, Stuart talks about a relationship checkup. When the majority of people think of couples counseling they see counseling as a resource for couples who are having problems, and not something that couples who are in healthy relationships can benefit from too. However, couples that are in healthy relationships can benefit from couples counseling too! Relationships take work. In fact, anything in life that we want to excel in or at takes work, but surprisingly most people come into relationships and don't make the connection that their relationship needs work too. Just as its important to your physical health to have a check up each year to make sure your healthy, and be proactive in heading off potential health risks, we should all consider the importance of an annual relationship checkup for couples. A relationship checkup can help you avoid waking up one day wondering what happened to your connection with your partner. Couples come into my practice in Scottsdale