Emancipation Podcast Station

4.1 - We are the Government



     Emancipation Podcast Station Welcome back to The Emancipation Podcast Station - the place to hear about history researched and retold through the eyes of Middle school and HS students. Episode #1 - Introduction to Government   We are a govt -  tell us about how America came to have a government Ben - Pilgrim code of law was put into place in 1636.  Annual elections, a General Court, and seven council assistants was how they divided most power. There were oaths and jurys and everything you might expect from a basic democratic government. However, in other aspects like currency, they were very behind. An official currency separate from the british types of money wasn’t issued until 1775, a single year before the Declaration of independence was signed. (This currency was named “continentals”) caydan-The  constitution and the fight for it to be ratified-the constitution  is the basic groundwork for the whole united states the three main points being  inherent rights,      general rights of being a hum