Emancipation Podcast Station

2.8 - 20th Century Part One



The Emancipation Proclamation Station Welcome back to the Emancipation podcast station the place to hear about history, researched and retold through the eyes of Middle and High school students   Beginning of World War I: Ella - One of the known causes of world war 1 turning into a world war was the alliance system.  In 1839, the treaty of London was signed which was where Britain was going to protect the neutrality of Belgium. In 1879 the dual alliance treaty was signed between Germany and Austria-Hungary to protect each other from Russia. Many other alliances were also forming at the time. Ethan - Germany’s navy was starting to get threatening to Britain’s navy. Britain took necessary precautions and signed a document with France called the Entente Cordial, tipping the odds of any war in in their favor. This made Germany realize they were a threat and thought they were being pushed back down, so in turn they became more aggressive and ready for war. Hunter- something that happened about three months