Emancipation Podcast Station

2.6 Renaissance and Reformation



Renaissance and Reformation               Spanish and Portuguese Empires: get out of my ocean   Gabe The Spanish and Portuguese are kind of the start to a lot of global trade but more so the Portuguese empire because they were more interested in trade then acquiring land and so what they would do is set up these things called factories which were a lot like warehouses for trading outposts and they set these up along there trade route which went from portugal all the way to the bottom of africa and back up to japan which was the route vasco da gama created and they found that the chinese wanted silver to reinforce there paper money and they saw this as a great trade opportunity and they would go and trade china's goods of basically anything for silver from japan to china   Ben - During the Spanish golden age, are and literature flourished. This was also during the Italian Renaissance, around the year 1492. The same year that Christopher Columbus discovered America. A famous European artist of this t