Emancipation Podcast Station

Episode 13 - World War 1



Welcome back to The Emancipation Podcast Station - the place to hear about history researched and retold through the eyes of Middle school and HS students. Last time on the show…   Today we discuss The United States in World War I. Let’s dive in.   The presidency of Woodrow Wilson  - And Presidential podcast Gabe - Woodrow Wilson was the first southern president since James Polk He was in the KKK he segregated the federal government and in his 1st term the KKK had a revival he went for the democratic side and and went by the slogan he kept you out of the war which is ironic because we went into world war one in his second term.(g(h 2.-Ethan- He was the 28th president of the US. Wilson made the Federal Reserve System. Which allowed the government control over currency so that we didn’t experience a second great depression. He also tried to lower tariffs and improve worker protection. - Blake - Although Woodrow Wilson was very racist he shared a lot of the same views as Theodore Roosevelt in whic