Partners In Crime

A nice Bic biro in green



  In this week's podcast our hosts discuss the fact both have been pinged, how many antihistamines Bob has taken today and Adam reveals his new technique on how to spot an idiot. If that all sounds fascinating, then you should listen to the latest episode of Partners in Crime with Adam Croft and Robert Daws. Bob recommends a Lisa Stone audiobook, Adam reveals which legendary writer is the focus of this year's Montblanc Writers Edition pen and we hear that a blockbusting tv crime drama is coming to an end. The pair have a semi-serious chat about wearing masks, they have a bit of a moan about it being too hot and Adam horrifies Bob by telling him he's about to take his clothes off. ~ Moriarty ~   RECOMMENDATIONS   The Cottage (Audiobook) by Lisa Stone Narrated by Jessica Whittaker   July's Patreon FREE book of the month from Kobo is The Psychopath's Checklist by R A Forde To get this