Partners In Crime

Buttock stimulator



Did Adam get any interesting presents for his birthday? How much has he grown after eating and drinking for two months? And is it Adam or Bob that continues the hat theme from the last episode, by showing off a rather striking, brand new one? To find out all the answers, listen to the latest episode of Partners in Crime, with Adam Croft and Robert Daws. We have a look at an article that explores psychological thrillers, domestic suspense and asks if they are here to stay, Bob recommends an S.A. Cosby book and Adam reveals author Craig Robertson's top ten Scottish crime novels. Viewers on Patreon will get to see an exclusive and very accurate drawing of Adam, while we all hear an interview with Graham Bartlett, in which Adam immediately gets the former high ranking police officer's job title wrong while introducing him. Not quite the Michael Parkinson of Partners in Crime, then? ~ Moriarty ~   RECOMMENDATIONS Blacktop Wasteland by S.A. Cosby Brothers I