We Got This!... Or Do We?!

Ep 14: Ali's Journey to La La Land



We're coming to you bi-coastal baby! Welcome to the first long-distance episode of "We Got This! Or Do We?!" Wow, what hasn't happened in the past few months? Have you had a journey of your lifetime? Ali and Yunie both had big journeys recently, Ali’s at the end of 2018 from NYC to LA and Yunie's to the Dominican Republic at the beginning of 2019. This is a two part series where the ladies share their stories and how their worlds have changed. In this first part, Ali shares what happened on her solo trip cross-country and the lessons she will continue to learn from while building a life in Los Angeles. To learn more about Ali’s coaching endeavors, check out her website: coachaliruns.com and follow her on instagram @coachaliruns. ... Stay tuned next week where Yunie will share what happened during her trip to the DR, where family and ancestry come together in a beautiful expression of love and togetherness.