Louder Than Ever

Episode 42: This is the End



We recorded this episode in case of emergency... As it turns out, the emergency is that the computer that we rely on to do this show crapped out on us last week and we are not able to record new episodes for an undetermined amount of time because of it. We've had some time to think about it and we decided to release our emergency episode as the last episode of Louder Than Ever. We have really enjoyed doing this show but we feel like it was just a starter for us and we could produce something so much better, so we are going to take the time to figure that out and start producing it. We are so thankful for those of you who listened to LTE, encouraged us, laughed with us and came back week after week! You're troopers haha Please enjoy our final episode, This is the End.   Love, Hailey & Mary ----------------------------- You can support Louder Than Ever by clicking that SUBSCRIBE button so that you get the alert for our new episodes every Sunday! Also, please give us a rating on iTunes and share us with yo