Louder Than Ever

Episode 27: Our Christmas Gift to You



Merry ACTUAL Christmas and Happy Holidays, LTE fans! This week on Louder Than Ever, Hailey and Mary present their Christmas gift to you! The often referenced "cut episode" is finally here! Yes, it's different than any other LTE episode before it and yes, it may end up being the only one of its kind... So we hope that you enjoy it, have an excellent holiday, toast to our names and join us in the New Year! ----------------------------- You can support Louder Than Ever by clicking that SUBSCRIBE button so that you get the alert for our new episodes every Sunday! Also, please give us a rating on iTunes and share us with your friends! We would super-duper appreciate it.  You can also Like our page on Facebook at facebook.com/LouderThanEverPodcast and follow us on both Twitter and Instagram @LTEPodcast. Finally, e-mail us funny memes, questions, general feedback or just about anything to LouderThanEverPodcast@gmail.com You can find Hailey across all social media @HaileyAlizabeth and Mary @sparkilini