The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Real Artists Don't Starve /w Jeff Goins



Jeff, like many of us, has had a winding path to his art. He’s a best-selling author of FIVE books including The Art of Work and his latest, Real Artists Don’t Starve. As a youth, he never claimed being a writer, but it was always something that lingered in the back of his mind. From joining a band to lingering at a comfortable job, he was just waiting for his mid-life crisis to push him into gear and start taking action. Our conversation is chock full of actionable, tangible, you-can-and-should-do-them nuggets about how to go from starving to thriving as an artist. Perhaps the biggest nugget revolves around something I’ve been suggesting to you for years- don’t quit your day job while pursuing your side hustle. Keep your side hustle where it belongs, on the side, until it has enough traction to support you. Today on the podcast, We go back into Jeff’s journey and unpack the curiosity, intuition, soul-searching, and grit to travel a winding road to his calling. There is no school or method to finding out who