Convos With Cole

#25: Roy Redd- The Success Magnet



“Without Integrity Nothing Works” -Roy Redd Roy Redd is an author whose writings include Finish, and The Success Magnet: Cultivate The 5 Values That Attract Success. Roy helps people get out of their own way so they can be who they already are and achieve the results and outcomes they desire. Roy was blessed with certain struggles that made him realize he needed to take responsibility for his own life. Broke, depressed, and on his own, Roy ended up pushing his broken down car two miles on the freeway by himself. That is when he realized nobody was to blame for his problems but himself. After that experience and the gift of self-efficacy, Roy was able to turn his life around. Today he is dedicated to motivating, and teaching others on how to turn their life around. He is dedicated to sharing his story, successes, and how to’s so that others can achieve their most desired goals. At 26 years of age, Roy went from broke to 6 figures in just a few short years. He was able to rub elbows with great people like Arnol