Hate To Weight | Our Diet And Weight Loss Journey

Big Fun for Episode 100!



Welcome to episode 100! And the first of many episodes that include Big Fun. Don’t know what Big Fun is? Tune in. It’s pretty much exactly like it sounds. A heads up, this was recorded a few weeks before this was released and you may hear some older news stories we talk about. We apologize for the delay in getting these episodes to you and we thank you so much for your patience. Remember, we record these episodes LIVE on Thursdays in our Facebook book. Watch the LIVE Recording: https://www.facebook.com/John.bukenas/videos/10223530917078024 New to Hate to Weight? Make sure you’re subscribed so you’ll never miss an episode and so you can listen to all the back episodes! Don’t forget, you can talk to us and other Weighters while we record by going to the Hate to Weight Discussion Group on Facebook. We record Thursdays at 11 a.m.! Call in your WINS or RANTS anytime! 760-WINNING -— 760-946-6464 We are not doctors. Please talk to your doctor before trying any new diet or exercise routine. We try our hardest to lin