Hate To Weight | Our Diet And Weight Loss Journey

Dieting Changes versus Lifestyle Changes



We had a great discussion in our Facebook group thinking about the lifestyle changes we make to lose weight versus what we are planning on doing once we hit our goal weight and need to maintain. John also had a bout with food poisoning and Emily has shifted her whole schedule to mornings so we're both a little out of our comfort zone. New to Hate to Weight? Make sure you’re subscribed so you’ll never miss an episode and so you can listen to all the back episodes! Don’t forget, you can interact with us while we record by going to the Hate to Weight Discussion Group on Facebook. We record every Thursday at 11 a.m.! Call in your WINS or RANTS anytime! 760-WINNING -— 760-946-6464 In This Episode: John goes right into his whirlwind of a week and his bout with food poisoning. We apologize if this podcast isn’t always out on Mondays -— like this week! Emily has moved her eating window earlier because of her changing her sleeping schedule to earlier. We talked on last week’s episode about proactive mode versus react