Hate To Weight | Our Diet And Weight Loss Journey

Ice Cream Deals and a Hangry Shark (Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo)



In This Episode: Watch out for sharks in this episode — Emily is sorry for what she said when she was feisty. Also, sorry for all the podcasting talk. Emily got upset, but at least she didn’t run to food. (But someone was wrong on the internet!) The Oreos Emily got last week left her with a craving for sugar more than she had before. John ordered food this week because he knew he was going to the doctor. (He’s getting ready for bariatric surgery.) But then he saw a great deal on ice cream. Do you get sucked into mindless eating? John also ran into our friend of the show, Michele, who has gone through bariatric surgery. John might be changing his Intermittent Fasting window to open earlier and stay open later. If you’re Intermittent Fasting, the Fasting part can be more important than the eating part. Emily finds that keeping her fasting simple (only water, unsweetened or unflavored tea, of black coffee only). Yay for everyone’s #WinningWednesdays! Emily came up with a terrible idea for shoes that are also mi